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Sam Frazier, Jr. is a filmmaker, writer, and recovering loan shark.


As the world’s greatest comedic short documentary filmmaker, primarily because he’s the only one, Sam Frazier, Jr. has toured the country with his Smart People Being Stupid series and its over 100 festival acceptances as well as numerous awards. Typical subjects include those in Cardboard Titanics, where successful people from different walks of life build, row, and race boats made solely of cardboard and duct tape in an insane effort to recapture the American Dream.


Sam’s writing often points out the wrong, but doesn’t always push the reader to what’s right. For example, take his article recently published by the Second City Network, We Should All Actually Vote for the Freddy Krueger/Jason Voorhees Ticket. Then again, Freddy Krueger might really be a better option than either Trump or Hillary.


Sam currently studies sketch comedy and satirical writing with The Second City and is working on a retrospective to his former profession of running a consumer loan office. The book is entitled, 12 Things I Learned Being A Loanshark. In his spare time, Sam uses his pseudonym, “Brock Ali”, to send back grammatically corrected versions of prospective dates’ profiles on dating sites.


You can also read his write-up on B-Metro Magazine here.

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Desperate To Be Different Productions

2003 - present


Producer, director, writer, and editor for production company specializing in comedic content for the web, television, and print. Creator of highly successful Cardboard Titanics, Why I Make Movies, Cardboard Titanics: Smart People Being Stupid, & The Ghost Pepper Eating Contest of Jefferson County.

Frazier Loans

2002 - 2016


Owner and manager for consumer loan company. Specialized in affordable loans as an alternative to predatory Payday and Title loans as well as free financial education for our customers and applicants.

The Second City. Chicago, IL


Student of sketch comedy and online satire.

Washington & Lee University. Lexington, VA

​1992 - 1997

Departmental Honors in Philosophy.


Trinity College Dublin. Dublin, Ireland


Student of Philosophy and member of National Champion Tennis Team.

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